Custom Fees allow brands to apply add-on fees to certain qualifying baskets at selected stores. Examples of fees that can be created and enabled include Service Fees or Packaging Fees. For flexibility, a brand can set any desired fee label while creating the fee.
Using the Dashboard, it is possible to create a fee, provide a label and tooltip to show the end consumer, and choose qualification criteria to trigger the fee. Fee amounts and taxability can be configured for each store at the time of enablement. Brands can also enable and disable fees for many or all stores at once. Once enabled, customers with qualifying baskets will see the fees on their baskets and order summaries. Fees charged to end customers will be transmitted to Point-of-Sale.
Brands using custom frontends built using the Olo Ordering API may also be configure Open Dollar Donations using the Custom Fees tool.
Note: Custom Fees are not compatible with Rails, as they are not syndicated to or utilized by Rails marketplaces. To apply custom fees to marketplace orders, please work with your marketplace contact to explore tooling they may offer.
Fee Types Current available fee types include:
- % of Subtotal: The fee is assessed as a % of the end consumer’s basket subtotal. The percentage is configured during fee enablement in Dashboard Settings.
- Flat Amount: The fee is a flat amount. The amount is configured during fee enablement in Dashboard Settings.
- Open Dollar Donation: The donation amount is specified by an external application via the Ordering API. The end consumer provides a donation amount, which is then applied to the basket via the custom frontend. This feature is not currently available on Olo Serve. The same POS types that support Custom Fees can support Open Dollar Donations. See the attached Custom Fees feature documentation for more details on supported POS types. For developer facing documentation on how to integrate this feature with your custom frontend, visit the Developer Portal article here.
Note: To create and view existing Custom Fees for a brand, a Dashboard Manager must have Brand Manager permission. Custom Fees must be enabled for each brand by your Customer Success Manager. Contact your CSM if you are unable to locate Custom Fees in the Brand or Settings sections of the Dashboard.
To learn more about Custom Fees, download the full report below. The full report will walk you through:
- Triggers
- Fee Types
- Managing and editing your fees
- Other features
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