Note: You can only cancel an order while its status is 'Scheduled' in Dashboard and Expo. If the order moves to any other status, you will not be able to cancel it. You will be able to generate a partial or full order refund once the order is closed.
Canceling Scheduled Orders in Dashboard
- Log in to the Dashboard
- Click on the Orders tab on the left side of the screen. Here you will be able to choose the scheduled order you want to cancel.
- Click on the order number and then click Other Actions.
- Under Other Actions, you will see the ability to cancel the order you've selected.
Canceling Scheduled Orders in Expo
For added security, this feature will be need to be enabled in the Expo Brand Settings in Dashboard for the option to cancel orders to appear on the Expo device(s). To enable this feature on your Expo device:
Dashboard Enablement
1. Make sure the Brand Manager has enabled it in Dashboard.
2. Select the stores that can see this functionality on Expo.
3. A PIN will be required to perform this functionality on Expo by default.
Note: If you would like to waive the PIN requirement, you can disable "Require PIN" on this page. However, auditing of who took the action on Expo will not be available if this PIN requirement is waived.
4. Confirm your changes by clicking "Agree & Save."
5. You should see a green message at the bottom of the screen confirming "Settings successfully saved!"
Steps to Cancel a Scheduled Order:
1. For an upcoming order, click "Actions" to see the dropdown.
2. Select "Cancel Order" from the "Actions" dropdown.
3. Click "Proceed" to cancel the scheduled order.
4. Select your Expo user profile.
5. Insert your pin for added security.
6. Once your pin is entered, the order is successfully canceled.
Note: After you canceled the order, a refund will automatically be given to the end customer. The end customer will also receive a cancellation confirmation email.
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